Shop With Scrip

Over 700 Brands!

The EASY No Cost Way to Make Money for MGE!

Gift card fundraising is a great way to raise money for our school. Buy gift cards from your favorite brands to earn on your daily purchases. It's never been easier to create opportunities for what matters most to you. No extra money spent. No extra time wasted.

And SO many more!!

How It Works

  • Buy gift cards at face value from favorite brands!

  • Earn up to 20% on every gift card you buy

  • Use gift cards at full value for your everyday purchases

Get Started

  1. Create an account on the RaiseRight app or at and use our enrollment code:


2. Seamlessly check out by securely paying online with a linked bank account or credit card.

It's so easy to use! Once you are set up on the app, you can literally replenish funds or buy an e-card while in line and use it to pay!

Have questions? Contact: Amy Munday @ (919) 923-1675